The quality of an underlayment makes all the difference between a smooth flooring system application and a troublesome one. Sika South Africa self-levelling screed, the Sikafloor-200 Level meets and exceeds all the latest standards and requirements for both new work and refurbishments
Sikafloor®-200 Level is a very low emission, cementbased, self-levelling compound which provides customers with peace of mind by providing a high quality and reliable underlayment for most hard and soft surface floor coverings. Suitable for interior and exterior residential and nonindustrial applications, Sikafloor®-200 Level is ideal for filling smoothing and levelling of suitable substrates; before applying parquet, ceramic tiles, seamless resin floors, textile and elastic floor covering
This flooring system has applications in manufacturing industries, institutional, residential and domestic buildings as well as levelling of pre-cast concrete planks and pre-levelling for roof membranes
Two competitive edges of Sikafloor®-200 Level are the pot life of approximately 40minutes at +20°C, and its foot-traffic readiness after about 4 hours. Other valuable product and end-result features include very low emissions, improved surface finishes, increased durability, enhanced safety, and improved appearance.
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Sika South Africa
Durban, South Africa
Phone: +27 31 7926500